My computer recently went on the fritz! I turned it on one day, and after attempting to start for 15 minutes, all my icons and task bar dissapeared! So, I took my computer to the "Geek Squad" at Best Buy (where I bought my comp), and he said that LimeWire had uploaded a bunch of trash on my computer and it now uses over 60% of its memory just to turn on. Now, according to them, the only way to fix this is to take everything off my computer and get it back down to manufacture, and then put everything back on. (which is gonna cost me a lovely $200+)
So, heres where I need help. The guy said that I need to buy Norton to put on my computer to keep this from happening again. The only problem is I hate Norton because it keeps me out of programs that I want/need to get into. So, does anyone know of any kind of program that is just as good, or even better than Norton?